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Left to Right: Ryan Konikoff, Partner | COO, Matt Radicelli, Partner | Founder & CEO | Location: RTH Headquarters | Production Warehouse | Cleveland, Ohio | Photo: Every Angle Photography
Left to Right: Jeff Kutz, Partner | Vice President of Social Sales; Amy Van Duyne, CSEP, Partner | Vice President of Operations; Jeff Dick, Partner | Founder & President of Zone Entertainment; Steve Tanruther, Partner | Vice President & CFO | Location: RTH Headquarters | Production Warehouse | Cleveland, Ohio | Photo: Every Angle Photography
Left to Right: Jeff Kutz, Partner | Vice President of Social Sales; Amy Van Duyne, CSEP, Partner | VP of Operations; Ryan Konikoff, Partner | COO; Matt Radicelli, Partner | Founder & CEO; Jeff Dick, Partner | Founder & President of Zone Entertainment; Steve Tanruther, Partner | Vice President & CFO | Location: RTH Headquarters | Production Warehouse | Cleveland, Ohio | Photo: Every Angle Photography
Matt Radicelli
Partner | Founder & CEO
Ryan Konikoff
Partner | COO
Steve Tanruther
Partner | Vice President & CFO
Jeff Dick
Partner | Founder & President of Zone Entertainment
Amy Van Duyne, CSEP
Partner | Vice President of Operations
Jeff Kutz
Partner | Vice President of Social Sales